
We would love to have you join our community.

Come and experience God's rich grace with us.

Weekly Gatherings
Sabbath School 9:45am to 10:50am

Worship 11 am

2120 S. Stimson Ave
Hacienda Heights CA 91745
Office - (626) 330-4356

Our Vision:

Community: We acknowledge the image of God in all humanity and are committed to unity through diversity. Because the Lord blesses His community of faith, matures us within His community of faith, and will soon restore us to His eternal heavenly community!

Service: We desire and pray to be aware of the needs of God’s church locally and worldwide, and of our local community, so that we may use our lives in “service to the Lord” as a living example of Jesus Christ in each of His servants (Disciples)!

Character: We ask God to shape our lives so that we can reflect the loving character of Jesus to other. We strive to grow through ministry that facilitates discipleship, fellowship and worship, so that the world will see the loving character of Jesus in each of us.

Worship: We seek to respond to God in praise and worship. Through prayer we are honest with God about who we are, and through praise we are honest with God about who God is and what God has done for us.

Discipleship: We believe in the great commission “to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all things that I (Jesus) have commanded you,” so that we may be doers of the Word of God and followers of Jesus Christ? (Matthew 28:19,20).”

He has shown you, O man, what is good;. and what does the LORD require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” MICAH 6:8, NKJV

Our Mission:

  • Spreading the Good News

  • Equipping to Grow and Serve

  • Reaching our Community

RSVP for Discipleship Journey

Please sign up to reserve your spot and class materials for Tracing the Footsteps of Jesus. This is a free event for all. Donations are being accepted but aren’t mandatory.. Please fill out the form below. We pray to see you there…and invite a friend!

Our Ministries

“Simply Jesus and His Word” or “It’s all about Jesus and His Word” or “Knowing Jesus is Everything”

The Seventh-day Adventist® Church was born out of the Millerite movement of the 1840s when thousands of Christians searched for greater understanding of biblical prophecy. Among these believers was a group in New England that rediscovered the seventh-day Sabbath. They chose the name "Seventh-day" which refers to the biblical Sabbath, Saturday, ordained by God at Creation. "Adventist" refers to the return, or second advent, of Jesus Christ.

In 1863, the new Sabbath keepers officially organized into a denomination with 3,500 members worshipping in 125 churches. They soon began sharing their faith outside of North America, first Switzerland in 1874, then in Russia, Ghana, South Africa, Argentina, and Japan.

Today, as one of the fastest growing Christian Protestant churches, the Seventh-day Adventist® Church's worldwide membership has grown to more than 20 million in more than 200 countries. The Adventist Church operates the second largest parochial education system in the world, and operates the second largest religion-based health care network in the U.S.

The Seventh-day Adventist® Church in North America, known as the North American Division, represents more than 1.2 million members from the United States, Canada, Bermuda, Guam and Micronesia. This regional division was officially formed in 1985, and moved from Silver Spring, Maryland, to Columbia, Maryland, in September 2017.